We’d like to get your comments on “Phil & Dave’s Excellent CD” to incorporate your suggestions into future “Developer Helper” CD-ROMs. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions (an add anything else you feel appropriate), then return the completed questionnaire to DTS.FEEDBACK on AppleLink. Thanks for you input; it will make a difference.
What did you like most about “Phil & Dave’s Excellent CD”?
What did you like least?
Which tools or documentation will you use the most?
Which tools or documentation will you use the least?
What tools or documentation would you liked added to the next version? In what format?
Do you prefer working with the CD-ROM through a navigation tool, such as the Phil & Dave’s Excellent CD stack, or do you prefer working with the Finder?
Apple II users: Would you like a navigation tool to work with the CD (similiar to the Macintosh version if you have seen it) or do you prefer working with the IIGS Finder or other GS/OS or ProDOS file utilities?
Do you like the HFS/ProDOS partitions, or would you rather see the whole disc in High Sierra format?